

Touching the Void is a documentary produced in 2003, directed by the renowned director Kevin MacDonald. The documentary is based of the book Touching the Void, written by Joe Simpson expressing his experience climbing Siula Grande in the late 80's.

The documentary reenacts the near fatal experience that two friend mountain climbers, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates had while attempting to climb a mountain. The two set out to climb the previously unclimbed mountain Siula Grande which is located in Peru. Siula Grande had been previously attempted to be climbed but was never successfully completed. Both men successfully make it to the top of the west face of the mountain. On the descent down, Joe Simpson fractures his leg as result from falling. Due to Simpson not being very mobile at this point, Yates decides to lower him down using a rope to a lower spot as a giant storm is emerging. Unable to see where he is lowering Simpson, Yates later realizes that he has lowered him directly off a cliff where he is now dangling freely. Due to the severity of the storm, Yates is unable to see the predicament his friend is in. Yates, after much contemplation makes the decision that he needs to cut the rope shared between them as there would be no hope for survival for either of them if he didn't. After cutting the rope Yates continues to descend down the mountain after assuming his partner is dead due to the fall. Joe Simpson survives the 150 ft fall but lands in a crevasse in the mountain. Battling the elements with a broken leg, being dehydrated and facing malnutrition he continues to fight and drag himself down the mountain  Simpson spends days crawling towards the base camp until he finally makes it there. He arrives completely delirious and has major frostbite over his body to find his partner Yates there.

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